Anime Review: Moetan

This is an anime that brings me personal enjoyment. It’s an anime that makes you believe it’s more for a younger audience, but devilishly fools you with panty shots, mild nudity, and sexual conantations.

The anime is about a girl named Ink Nijihara, who has a high school crush on a boy in her class named Nao Tezuka. (yes, the main character is in HIGH SCHOOL!!) The LOLITA complex for this anime makes it all the more interesting…for some…though there is a wide age range of women shown later throughout the show. Anyway, Nijihara comes into contact with a magician from another world named Mahou Shoujo, who was sent to Earth for more training by the king of his world, and was turned into a cute little duck (with a HUGE lolita complex!) Nijihara is used by Mahou to gain points for his training by becoming the magical girl Pastel Ink. (her transformations are my favorite part of the show!! ^_^)

For someone with a lolita fetish, this anime is perfect, though it doesn’t go too overboard with nudity…until episode 8…and tends to keep it exceptable for even American viewers. (don’t get me wrong, it’s not just for pedophiles!!) It’s a hilarious anime, in my opinion, and doesn’t become too drawn out, with only 13 episodes. If I had to rate this anime, I’d give it a 4 out of 5, because of it’s production value, character development, hot girls/women, and creative storyline. I’ll definitely want to submit this for review to show at Nerdacon v4, happening in November!

Let me know what you think by commenting!

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Dragon Ball: Evolution Movie Review

dragon-ball-evolution1It is hard for me to even describe in words how horrible this movie was. At times during the movie, I felt as though I was going to cry (figuratively speaking) not because of such wonderful and emotionally moving character developments, but because of the huge distance obviously sought after from the plot of the original manga and anime series. I shit you not people: Kami and mister Popo were stricken from the story, Piccolo has about three lines in the entire movie (not counting the seemingly scary grunts and moans often associated with his character), there was ABSOLUTELY NO description given to help understand who Piccolo’s little helper was, the actor who played Yamcha was perhaps the WORST and UGLIEST actor I have ever seen in a film, and so on and so on…( if I continued I would just get more and more depressed.) Chow Yung Phat was probably the best thing the movie had going for it, and for a PG rated movie, he played his part as master Roshi rather well.

I have to know what everyone else thought about this movie?!!

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Dragon Ball: Evolution

As it stands now, a few of the members are planning to meet up today to see the new Dragon Ball movie that came out to theaters today! I believe I speak for everyone when I say that I’m excited about going to see this movie, however, I am fully aware that it will probably be the WORST Anime related live-action film of all time!! It has taken a production company over 6 years to finally grow enough balls to make this movie, but Akira Toriyama, the creator of DB and DBZ, has given NO artistic insight for the making of this movie! UUUUGH!!!! -_-

This movie will no doubt bring tears to my eyes, whether it be from absolute sadness having seen the horrible production of this Anime classic, or from the pain of laughter, as I’ll no doubtetly feel when I finally see the uncanny resemblance believe Piccolo, and Jim Carry’s “The Mask”!!

Still, we’ll have fun and most likely get some food afterwards. It should be an interesting evening! ^_^

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Our New Anime Committee Blog!

Hello everyone! I hope everyone likes this new blog I made! ^_^ After the meeting we had last night, 4/7/09, I figured I would actually act on my idea for a community online meeting spot and make one that all of us could potentially use! This blog, if kept up correctly, can be the main hub (other than Facebook) for all of our news and events happening in our Committee!

This will also be beneficial as Nerdacon v4 gets closer, and it will be easier for us to communicate with one another as we get busier and busier!

Post any sort of Anime information you want! You can post pics, polls, and a lot of other stuff! We should all work together on this blog, and any officer in our committee will have access to the upkeep of this blog!

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