Archive for Committee Events

Anime Meeting Updates!!

It’s been two days since our first meeting on Thursday, and that has given me plenty of time to go over all the topics we discussed and bring everyone an update as to our progress!

First let me begin by explaining what went on during our meeting on Thursday. The actual meet time was originally 6pm, however, because of a couple of technical difficulties, our meeting didn’t actually start until 6:15pm, but that also allowed a few stragglers who showed up late to get situated and grab some snacks. As far as the snacks went…I had previously requested money from the president of the organization, Ryan, to get 4 or 5 little Caesar’s Hot and Ready Pizza’s and some soda’s for the meeting, but that was like pulling teeth at the Dentist’s office! Without a sign-in sheet to show how many people actually showed up, the officers of the group were not willing to shell out 20-30 bucks for pizza and drinks, and instead gave me a 10 dollar limit on what they would pay me back for. (People, we are a large organization with plenty of money to shell out to committee’s…so this decision really pissed me off!) SO, I instead grabbed a few boxes of Oatmeal and Chocolate Chip Cream Pies, a box of Little Debbie Brownies, a 2 Liter bottle of Sam’s Cola, a 2 Liter bottle of Hawaiian Punch, and a cheap package of  styrofoam cups. This ran me a total of $8.22…whoop di doo…

The snacks was the major upset for the night, so I can at least be greatful that our meeting ran quite smoothly! All in all, their were around 15-16 people that actually showed up for most of the meeting, and this was most probably due to the fact that I started a Facebook event the day before and invited everyone I knew who would be interested (we will have fliers to post around campus for the next meeting…i already have them made)!

With the projector I reserved, and with Krispy’s laptop, we were able to use the agenda I had made without printing out unwanted pieces of paper. (Krispy, by the way, is the head of the committee! ^_^) We pretty much went down the list: New Meeting Ideas, Fundraising Ideas, Anime Viewing List for the semester, Anime News, Momocon, and so on!

Everyone in the room gave great suggestions on what should happen this semester, especially for the Fundraising Ideas:

Selling fried rice meals or lunches

Hosting a Maid Cafe, or Host Club

Design out own buttons and/or stickers

Hosting a Cosplay Contest at the upcoming Anime Dance

A lot of these are fantastic ideas, and can even be combined with each other to help earn us some money! …and like HELL we’d share with the rest of the organization! We talked about (if we did earn a bit of money) it would pay for our trips to either Momocon or Anime Weekend Atlanta, or simply pay for snacks for the meetings without having to ask the other officers.

I passed around a sheet of paper during the meeting and asked everyone to put down any anime’s they would like to see during our meetings, and this is the list that I got:

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni

Maladeni Wasshoi

Outlaw Star (uncut)



Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu

Cowboy Bebop


Hana Kimi


Special A

Rosario + Vampire


Thundercats (not really anime, but still GREAT)


Samurai Pizza Cats

We also had some live action movie and T.V. show suggestions including Battle Royal, and MXE!

I wouldn’t mind showing these anime’s at all, but the list is too big to fit all of them, so a vote will have to be made later on to decide on the best titles! However, if their are any more suggestions concerning what we should watch throughout the semester, send us a comment!!

After the discussions were finished, we set about WATCHING SOME ANIME!!! We ended up using the external hard drive Krispy brought in and watched some of her anime. We ended up watching two anime’s that I had never seen before, and they were really good, though I didn’t write down the names of them, so I don’t have them to post yet. HOWEVER, we did watch one of the worst live action shows in Japan’s history…Sailor Moon!

And yes, it WAS IN LIVE ACTION!! I can’t believe I even sat through a full episode of that terrible show…if you want to put yourself through that same torture…just google it!!

After all the viewings were finished, it was around 9:30pm. We ran a little later than we had expected, but cleanup was quick, and the projector was turned in the next day with no fuss.

The schedules for the next few meetings are as follows:

Thursday, February 2nd, from 6pm – 9pm, in Davidson, room 256

Thursday, February 18th, from 6pm – 9pm, in Davidson, room 254

Thursday, March 4th, from 6pm – 9pm, in Davidson, room 254

Thank you everyone who showed up at the meeting! With your help this semester will be more active than any before! I hope to see everyone at all the other meetings, and if anyone has any questions, or comments, PLEASE COMMENT!! I look forward to hearing from you! ^_^

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Anime/Manga Committee Meeting Today!

It is Tuesday, April 21st, 2009:

I hope I see everyone at the committee meeting tonight at 7:30pm @ the Davidson room 254! I’ll be bringing a few anime titles to show everyone!

As of now I have almost stayed up a total of 24 hours, and I feel as though I am going to die. I could fall over any moment. Therefore, I will not see many of you until the meeting tonight, because I will be home sleeping!

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Dragon Ball: Evolution

As it stands now, a few of the members are planning to meet up today to see the new Dragon Ball movie that came out to theaters today! I believe I speak for everyone when I say that I’m excited about going to see this movie, however, I am fully aware that it will probably be the WORST Anime related live-action film of all time!! It has taken a production company over 6 years to finally grow enough balls to make this movie, but Akira Toriyama, the creator of DB and DBZ, has given NO artistic insight for the making of this movie! UUUUGH!!!! -_-

This movie will no doubt bring tears to my eyes, whether it be from absolute sadness having seen the horrible production of this Anime classic, or from the pain of laughter, as I’ll no doubtetly feel when I finally see the uncanny resemblance believe Piccolo, and Jim Carry’s “The Mask”!!

Still, we’ll have fun and most likely get some food afterwards. It should be an interesting evening! ^_^

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